Manufacturer: Micropolis Model: 4743WS TD# 470128
Interface... Ultra Wide SCSI-3 Formatted Capacity... 4,300 MB
Cylinders 6807 Heads 11 Sectors Variable
Landing Zone Max Cyl Precomp N/A RWC Cyl N/A
Encoding Method RLL1,7 Xfer/Mb(async/sync) 40 20 10 MTBF (Hr X 1000) 400
Form factor 3.5" Novell Y/N Y Height 1"
Power (Typical) 5W Power (Max) 6.0W Speed 5400
Avg seek (ms) <10 Cache 512k Mfg. Warranty 5 YRS

Copyright ⌐ 1996, 1997 Tech Data Corporation

Configuration and Jumper Options

Wide Single-Ended, 68-Pin Unitized Connector

Image of Drive showing Jumper locations and Options

(Pin numbers refer to the Option Jumper Block)

Pins 3/4
ID 1
Pins 5/6
ID 2
Pins 7/8
ID 3 Pins 9/10
0 Out/open Out/open Out/open Out/open
1 In/Ground Out/open Out/open Out/open
2 Out/open In/Ground Out/open Out/open
3 In/Ground In/Ground Out/open Out/open
4 Out/open Out/open In/Ground Out/open
5 In/Ground Out/open In/Ground Out/open
6 Out/open In/Ground In/Ground Out/open
7 In/Ground In/Ground In/Ground Out/open
8 Out/open Out/open Out/open In/Ground
9 In/Ground Out/open Out/open In/Ground
10 Out/open In/Ground Out/open In/Ground
11 In/Ground In/Ground Out/open In/Ground
12 Out/open Out/open In/Ground In/Ground
13 In/Ground Out/open In/Ground In/Ground
14 Out/open In/Ground In/Ground In/Ground
15 In/Ground In/Ground In/Ground In/Ground

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